

Climatlantic shows results and lays the foundations for the new Climatlantic+  project

Climatlantic shows results and lays the foundations for the new Climatlantic+ project


Last October the 1st the "From Climatlantic to Climatlantic+" forum took place at the Cultural Center Marcos Valcárcel at Ourense's Deputation.

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The event, organized by the Eixo Atlántico and the Provincial Government, gathered supervisors and technicians of the Atlantic Maritime Strategy of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and France; representatives of the European Commission, the Managing Authority of the Interreg program Atlantic Area, and experts from Climatlantic were also present.

The aim of the Forum was to analyse different alternatives and visions in order to identify measures and solutions in the field of energy, sustainability, transport and tourism, focused on fomenting adaptation measures for the climate change and reduction of local and regional carbon footprint.

The event was divided into four parts beginning with the inauguration of the Forum introduced by the Vice President of Ourense County Council, Rosendo Fernández, who gave way to the Secretary of the Eixo Atlántico, Xoan Vázquez Mao; the Deputy Mayor of Ourense, Marga Martín, and the Technical General Secretary for Rural and Sea Affairs, Xunta de Galicia, Isabel Concheiro.

The second part of the forum "EU Maritime Strategy: the future of the Atlantic Area", relied on the participation of José A. Ruiz de Casas, member of the DG REGIO of the European Commission, who made his intervention through videoconferencing; Belen Núñez-Lagos Bau, member of the Support Unit to DG of EU General Affairs for Atlantic Maritime Strategy, Spanish Government; Conceição Santos, Diretor of the Strategy Services of Portugal and Teresa Lameiras, Interreg Atlantic Area - Managing Authority.

The third part, introduced and chaired by Daniel Clement, director of the Secretariat Atlantic Area, had the title "From Climatlantic to Climatlantic +" and was attended by experts from Climatlantic as Ricardo Bento of the Eixo Atlántico, who was responsible for introducing "Climatlantic+”. Afterwards Dominique Breuil, from EIGSI, intervened; Sheevaun Thompson, Irish local authority TCC; Romain Le Pemp, of the Tourism Organization of France and Tamara Guirao, Coordinator of the Conference of Atlantic Arc cities.

The last and fourth part of the forum consisted of a debate with the title "A complementary vision to the EU Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic Area. Impact of sea related activities in interior areas" with the presence of Severino Rodríguez, Mayor of Monforte; Aníbal Blanco, President of the Cluster for Logistics and Transport in Galicia, and Emilio Brogueira Dias, President of RETE Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities.

Among the attendees who came to the act were logistics technicians, representatives of various associations and foundations and mayors of the region interested in the proposals and solutions the project Climatlantic could provide to their respective areas of work and expertise.

There was a participative environment, where both speakers and attendees exchanged opinions and information in order to optimize the results of the work carried out these years in the framework of the project Climatlantic, but also with the aim of laying the foundations for the smooth running of the project Climatlantic+.

In the following links you can review the speeches of the participants in the Forum:

- "Estrategia y Plan de Acción para el Atlántico" by Belén Nuñez-Lagos Bau:

- "EU Maritime Strategy: the future of the Atlantic Area- The Portuguese Vision" by Conceição Santos:

- "Renewable Energy Action Plans" by Sheevaun Thompson:

- "Climate & Mobility in Atlantic Area" by Dominique Breuil:

- "Mobility and tourism, the case of T i our st Offices in France" by Romain Le Pemp:

- "Ideas from the Atlantic Arc Cities to capitalise Climatlantic" by Tamara Guirao-Espiñeira:

- "From CLIMATLANTIC to CLIMATLANTIC+" by Ricardo Bento:

- "Estratexia marítima loxística- cohesión territorial" by Severino Rodríguez:

- "CLIMATLANTIC Huella de carbono en LOGISTICA" by Aníbal Blanco:

- "Outra visão da Estrategia Marítima da UE" by Emilio Brogueira:


Video of the Intervention of José Antonio Ruíz de Casas

Video "Puerto seco de Monforte"

