


Experts, mayors and local administration technicians gathered in CLIMATLANTIC Forum "Territorial planning and climate seminar"


The seminar took place on April 11th at the Cultural Center "Marcos Valcárcel" of the County Council of Ourense.

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The event was attended by academic experts and scientists from Galicia and Portugal who approached the issue of CO2 reduction from different fields of activity, as the applications for public transport, the innovations in the field of energy and mobility, sustainability and waste, as well as the actions that each citizen can carry out within the framework of good environmental practices.

The Vice President of the County Council of Ourense, Mr.Rosendo Fernandez opened the seminar with the presence of Xoán Vázquez Mao, Secretary General of the Eixo Atlantico, Project Leader, who reminded how important is to get over the mandatory objective for all member countries of the EU, which had been set for the year 2020 in a 20% reduction of pollutant gas emissions to the atmosphere.

Subsequently he introduced the intervention of speakers from Portugal. Professor Ricardo Bento of the University of Tras os Montes and Alto Douro, and the Agency's Director of urban Ecology of the Eixo Atlantico (Vila Real, Portugal), Mr. Francisco Pan-Montojo, listed the local actions referred to in the executive summary of the CLIMATLANTIC Strategy that could be carried out by the municipalities in this province for the reduction of the carbon footprint.

During the second part of the seminar examples were provided of good local and regional practices for reducing the carbon footprint, developed by the County Council of Ourense, for all the municipalities of this county, highlighting the Plan "Particip@ na Rede", implemented within the CLIMATLANTIC Project by the Environment Area of the County Council of Ourense, as well as initiatives launched by the province council, as the case of the public transport service for the towns far from the health centers of the Council of A Merca, and the free bicycles’ service of the Council of O Barco de Valdeorras.

The event was closed by the President of the county government, Mr. Manuel Baltar, who introduced the "Best practices Guide to prepare a Social Participation Plan and a First Sustainability: Diagnosis of a Provincial Agenda 21". He explained the local and regional actions for the protection of the environment that are being carried out in the province of Ourense after the creation of a network of sustainable municipalities. Mr. Baltar has influenced that now both these municipalities as those who join the project are called to get the "Green Label" because "there is no alternative for the city councils of the twenty-first century".

The activities of the CLIMATLANTIC project, in which took part the provincial Council to contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint and the fight against the climate change were:

- the establishment of four "Think Tank" for the creation of a strategic agenda for sustainable development
- implementation of pilot projects in the field of energy and mobility for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases
- promotion and realization of seminars and conferences on this topic
-implementation of social participation activities of provincial level within the "Plan particip@ na Rede".

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