Dematerialisation: Doing more with less!
Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference
Accelerating the Transition to Equitable Post Fossil-Carbon Societies
1 - 4 November 2015 | Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Can nature help reduce the impacts of climate change?
Building and managing a well-planned network of natural areas might provide an effective and, in many cases, cheaper solution for coping with natural disasters such as floods or landslides. A new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) explores how ‘green infrastructure’ can help Europe prepare for and reduce the loss from weather- and climate-related hazards.
Commission asks the public for ideas to develop the Circular Economy
The European Commission has opened a public consultation to collect views on the main policy options for developing an ambitious new approach on the Circular Economy. Stakeholders' input will help feed the preparation of the new action plan, tobe presented by the end of 2015.
Almost all Europeans say protecting the environment is important to them
Three years on from the most recent similar Eurobarometer survey, it is clear that, despite the economic crisis, Europeans’ concern about the environment has not diminished.
The Commission adopted proposals to turn Europe into a more circular economy and boost recycling in the Member States. Achieving the new waste targets would create 580 000 new jobs compared to today's performance, while making Europe more competitive and reducing demand for costly scarce resources.
More citizens calling for greater nature protection
Almost nine out of ten Europeans believe that biodiversity loss – the decline and possible extinction of animal species, flora and fauna, natural habitats and ecosystems in Europe – is a problem, according to a new survey.
Open consultation: How can we reduce marine litter?
The seas and oceans are increasingly becoming the waste dump of the planet. Plastic waste forms 80 % of the enormous waste patches in the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, with fatal consequences for numerous sea species. The European Commission is asking for opinions on how we can best address this problem. The public consultation is open until 18 December 2013.